Entrepreneurship Education at JAPAN Summerhill Academy

Summerhill Academy Japan conducts the “Entrepreneurship Education Project for Elementary and Junior High School Students” in which children independently plan and operate their own businesses. The purpose of this educational activity is to help children develop “the ability to think and act on their own” and acquire practical skills that can be applied to their future businesses and activities.
This education is aimed at because there are so many children who have outstanding talents and strong personalities, but thanks to their uneven characteristics, the majority in schools and other schools do not fit their bodies, and they find it difficult to live.
They need to acquire the means to demonstrate their strengths in society and live independently.
Once they acquire the know-how, they can live according to their own likes and strengths.
Their talents have a great impact on society regardless of their own will.
It is the mission of adults and society to discover and nurture the potential of these children.
The Entrepreneurship Education Project for Elementary and Junior High School Students raises funds for educational activities through donations.
Please visit our project page.
Project for 3rd and 4th grade pairs:Smash Bros.tournament

The Smash Bros. tournament for 3rd and 4th grade pairs project had been in the works since last October or so.
Up until now, the 3rd and 4th graders had been reluctant to participate in the planning.
But at past events, I had been watching from the side as the other students worked hard to get the project off the ground.
I guess I saw how cool it was to see students gain confidence through the experience of organizing a tournament. Maybe it was the beginning of a little courage. One day, he quietly said, “I want to do it, too.
We have held several Smash Bros. tournaments in the past. In the planning process, we have had more opportunities to work with professionals who manage tournaments for a living. Perhaps because of this, I feel that my students have become more aware that they can enjoy not only participating in these tournaments as players, but also having many people participate and enjoy the tournaments that they have planned and organized.
The third- and fourth-grade students had trouble making rules, and they worked hard to learn to use a computer, something they were not accustomed to, to make the flyers. They compared the information on the flyer with other flyers! When they noticed information that was missing, they corrected it over and over again to complete the flyer.
Finally, it was almost time for the convention. We wrote out the time schedule for the day and divided up the roles of the management. Opening remarks, rules explanation, closing remarks, awards ceremony, interviews, and so on. Since I was anxious, I wrote down what I was going to say in WORD and made a script.
The actual event was on January 19! They will take the script home with them carefully and practice together on weekends to do their best as players.
Sixth Grade Project:Summerhill Art Festival

The students loved the microclasses, and they were building them up. Before we knew it, the building activities had become so active that we formed a Mycla club, and before we knew it, we had created a huge “Summer Hill Server” and a dream world. We had a railroad, a train station, an airport, and a castle.
The quality of the work shared in the Micra Club was remarkable, and when I tweeted, “I wish I could exhibit this,” they responded, “We’d love to! I was so excited. This was the start of the exhibition project. The sixth-grade students are showing leadership.
Mr. Kuboki of Carabaco Studio, a LEGO class, gave us advice on the design of the works and how to display them.
At first, the plan was just to exhibit the Micra, but then he suggested that it would be nice to have a LEGO booth as a real Micra, or in the context of art, a booth for modeling works or retailing handmade goods, or a booth to experience building a Micra on the spot, or a booth for teachers who would like to see the works of LEGO teachers, We came up with a variety of ideas.
First of all, we set a deadline for the creation of our own works to be exhibited and said, “Let’s all do our best! We also had a virtual exhibition using VR!
There was also a virtual exhibition using VR! But first, we are aiming to hold an affordable offline event.
Our goal is to rent a civic hall and hold the event on a large scale!
We are also planning to invite outside guest booth exhibitors.
Fifth and Sixth Grade Projects:Online Splatoon Tournament

オンライン大会の運営にあたっては、プロチームComfort Zone Gamingより助言をいただき、オンライン会議にて、開催に先立って検討することを教えてもらいました。
Until now, all e-sports related events have been held onsite at a local venue. For this project, we prepared to hold our first online tournament so that more people could participate.
Organizers were 5th and 6th graders, who made flyers and studied hard for operational know-how in preparation for the day of the event.
The adults only provided support in the form of promotion, tournament management know-how, and instruction on how to use the flyer software. The two were very enthusiastic about the tournament: “I want to play against many strong teams,” “I want to show the results of my practice,” and “I want to make friends with the many teams that will participate! We heard such comments from both of them during the preparation period.
In managing the online tournament, we received advice from the professional team Comfort Zone Gaming, who told us what to consider prior to the event at the online meeting.